Future Full of Hope - 8 published books
The Upper Room Home of Prayer spiritual directors created a series of small books on core spiritual teachings. You can purchase these at The Upper Room for $5.00 (pick-up) or at amazon.ca as paperback or kindle edition.
SEE Book Study series being offered by our spiritual directors in Advent and Lent.
1. The Little Plan
This is a 30th anniversary project of The Upper Room Home of Prayer (1984-2014). On Pentecost Sunday, June 2014, some 150 guests gathered at St. John the Apostle Parish Hall, Ottawa, to celebrate the life and ministry of The Upper Room. With the monetary gifts received that day, Sr. Evelyn and Sr. Rosemary decided to establish a Future Full of Hope Fund to be used exclusively for this library book project. As the books sell, all the proceeds go back into the Future Full of Hope Fund, in readiness to pay for the next book being published. It has been a joyous expression of love... the 'lavish grace' received and the 'lavish grace' given away! This is our pay it forward gift to the People of God.
We sense we are being called by the Spirit to use our particular gifts to birth a new way of ‘delivering’ the Word that flows from our own ever-deepening contemplative awareness. Many projects may emerge over time, all integrated and flowing from core Christian foundational themes. Expect creativity, play, joyful flow, freedom, wholeness of being, healing, the arts, teachings, formal and informal gatherings. Yes, our hearts are still burning with passion and zeal!
2. Creating these Books
3. Publishing these Books
In March, 2016, a local publisher of Christian works, John Brooks, 'just happened to come along' and graciously offered to have our books published. He chose Gauvin Press in Gatineau, Quebec as the printer. Thanks to John Brooks of Discern Products we are now proudly sharing these books worldwide on the web and locally through our friends and families distribution. Check out his new website for more information.
4. Sharing these Books
These books can now be purchased for individual study and reflection or used with school, parish or home groups. Upon request, one of our spiritual directors will be happy to accompany you in your study groups or offer retreat days. See our OUTREACH section of this website to participate in programs planned for this coming year.
If you wish to FACILITATE your own small group, you may find this guide helpful. Click here to open and print A Guide for Facilitators
5. Purchasing these Books
Cost: $5.00 each at The Upper Room. They cost a little more on amazon.ca or amazon.com or amazon.uk.... but remember they ship the books to your home address for free if your order is over $25.00.
6. Books in Circulation
7. Book Reviews on Amazon

Always great info from Rosemary.
This is an excellent booklet, readable and full of wisdom and insight forged by personal experience. It is addressed to all readers who are serious about discerning in daily life.