And if we desire, my dear daughter, to have a model of our love for God and our charity towards the neighbour, where will it be   found any better than in this Holy Sacrament? This mystery is called the love of loves. It awakens in itself the whole extent, perfection, operation, continuance, constancy and expansiveness or grandeur of all holy loves.

From within our human condition, we all know that our relationships, while bringing us some of the greatest joys and satisfactions on the journey, can also cause us enormous suffering, hardship and disappointment. We do, as Father Medaille implies, often desire to know and understand just how we will ever be able to DO this love of God and charity towards my neighbour with any great effectiveness? We need a model. 


The Eucharist is the model. It is ‘the love of loves’. Medaille desires that all Little Designers will come often to partake of this holy mystery, for it will, one day, reveal to them that they are already living in the same expansiveness of Love. “I in you and you in me, may we be completely one.” (Jn.17) Sometimes the vitality and energy and union simply leap from host to heart and heart to host in a kind of simultaneous ‘communion’. When we approach Eucharist from now on, I pray that our eyes might be opened, and our faith reveal this profound mystery to us ~ the oneness of all the members of the Mystical Body of Christ. For it truly is one bread, one body, one Lord of all. It is a unity that at the same time respects the uniqueness and diversity of all our relationships.


Regarding our participation in Eucharist today, we are getting a sense that God may be moving many of us into a ‘dark night’ with a call to go deeper. It is time to leave the senses with their longing for satisfaction and gratification with the exterior rituals … and begin to embrace Eucharist as a ‘mystical supper’ - a ‘mystical encounter.’  We are being invited to participate more deeply in an intimacy with God, who being all Love, unites and effects a communion in Love with us and with all others right around the table. “Effect in me a miracle of love.” (J.P. Medaille)


Can we be there simply to receive and pass on the great LOVE within the gathered assembly? Yes, be there in a quiet beholding the MYSTERY. After all these years, we wonder, do we really get it? Do we believe the grandeur and extent, the expansiveness, constancy and operation of this union in God’s Love that changes everything. Here is the source of all our holy loving … of self, of one another, of God!


What happens when I focus my attention at Eucharist now?


#4 stmarys 2013-02-06 16:58
There is an old saying, "You are what you eat." At times after I have received the Eucharist, this saying comes to mind. I have just taken Jesus into my very self - we are one. The questions that surface at this time - "Am I what I have received? How has the reception of the Eucharist made a difference in my life? Do I extend the Love that is offered to me to those I encounter when I leave?" It's a simple idea, but it calls me to be more attentive to my demeanor/approa chability as I encounter those people God places into my life.
#3 virginia 2013-01-06 15:48
Yes, Jesus in the Eucharist is not only our model of loving God and our dear neighbor but He is the source of our strength to do so. Now for me, it is true, it is more mystical and not feeling or sense orientated. It is pure faith and trust that our Eucharistic Lord is accomplishing His purposes of Love and Unity in me. I felt for my new year's resolution to see our dear Christ within each one ,with these eyes of faith to exclaim : " I reverence you!" "I delight in your existence." and to add "May the Lord let his face shine upon you." It is that love we receive in Holy Communion...a love that accepts us as we are and at the same time purifies us by His Precious Blood to make us what we will be~! truly pleasing to the Father!
#2 arletteh 2013-01-06 11:28
I was at Eucharist last night. At the evening Eucharist, there are no little children,usuall y.(wonder-ful as they are).There was a greater quiet than at my usual Sunday Eucharist We were moving into the Eucharistic Prayer, towards the Consecration. i suddenly was awed at the silence, the awe-filled silence.I sensed our commom great need of healing,of help, for our vulnerabilities . And here we celebrate One, Jesus, who was not afraid to give everything. In this total gift, we are gathered and can go forth to live ,in Christ, more of the gift of ourselves for others.
#1 rosemaryo 2013-01-06 04:27
A few years ago when I was on a Holy Week retreat at Lebh Shomea House of Prayer in Texas,I was profoundly moved by these words in John's Gospel proclaimed on Holy Thursday: "Do you understand what I have done to you?" (Jn 13:13)I think a shift happened for me that night in the manner in which I now celebrate Eucharist.It has transformed into a mystical supper...and beyond 'understanding and knowing and sensory experience',the re is a quiet,subtle just being present...

I dare to believe that 'effect in me a miracle of Love' is happening to more and more contemplative souls who long for this deeper communion with God,others,all creation. This expansive Eucharist is 'service in love to others' just as Jesus washed feet and served others. 'I have given you an example, so that you may copy what I have done to you." I am so grateful for this awakening LOVE that has been done unto me ... and now I can 'copy' with others. May this LOVE keep circling our world through us... in all our daily encounters!

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