Bear-the-Beams-of-Love EIGHTH GATHERING
This month we conclude our initial round of a study of The Eucharistic Letter. We will be praying and discussing the final paragraphs 36-42. The theme is THE FOOD, THE HOMES, THE ACTIVITIES, AND SUMMARY.  We hope that you will find these concluding paragraphs and commentary both,down-to-earth and profoundly mystical! Such paradox and yet such wisdom! It is truly amazing and marvellous that God can use 'weak instruments' like us to contribute to the building up of the Body of Christ in the world. You might want to plan a special agape meal or BBQ to celebrate your first year of being a Little Design Community. Come back online and share with us in the Chat Forum.
All is well with my soul!


Words of Welcome

Opening Song     Fire of Love
Gathering Prayer of the Little Design Communities
Holy One, evidence of your self-communication in love is all around, everywhere.
In the inner depths of my own heart, in the world, in all creatures around me,
you live and move and have your being. I am not separate from you,
and because of your wondrous love I am not separate from all creation.
Help me to live with eyes wide open to your self-communication.
Help me to be open to your lavish grace, to receive it without fear and
with the conviction that you want nothing more than for me to receive it.
In turn, may I be gracious to others, an instrument of your lavish grace to all I meet. Amen.
                                                                       -from Judy Cannato, Field of Compassion
Scripture: A reading from 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 and 3:1-5
We feel that we must be continually thanking God for you, sisters and brothers whom the Lord loves, because God chose you from the beginning to be saved by the sanctifying Spirit and by faith in the truth. Through the Good News that we brought he called you to this so that you should share the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Stand firm, then, sisters and brothers, and keep the traditions that we taught you, whether by word of mouth or by letter. May our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father who has given us his love and, through his grace, such inexhaustible comfort and such sure hope, comfort you and strengthen you in everything good that you do or say. Finally, sisters and brothers, pray for us; pray that the Lord’s message may spread quickly and be received with honor as it was among you. Remember the Lord is faithful, and he will give you strength and guard you from all evil, and we, in the Lord, have every confidence that you are doing and will go on doing all that we tell you. May the Lord turn your hearts toward the love of God and the fortitude of Christ.
The Word of the Lord. R. Thanks be to God.         Pause for silent prayer (5-7 minutes)
Guided reflection on The Eucharistic Letter – the food, the homes, the activities, summary - paragraphs 36-42
    Download these pages from the website or…
    See section in the white binder commentary for these paragraphs.
    One person reads the original text – Medaille’s written words.
    Another person is prepared to speak from the commentary.
   Open conversation and responses from the gathered community.
Sharing the State of the Heart – see notes and coloured cards in the white binder.
     Everyone chooses ONE of the cards from the plastic folder. Choose a WORD that just seems to resonate with the state of your heart. Sit in silence with it awhile and let your story reveal itself to you. Then…
     Spend as much time as is needed to have everyone share their story. Just listen to each other. No one needs to comment, fix, or resolve the situation. Let the Spirit work in your midst! Listen to each other and observe the shifts, growth, insights, changes all occurring within the other person’s journey over the past month. There is a ‘spiritual direction’ emerging in and through all the situations. Most of all listen to your own insights as you share from your own heart. Be receptive and obedient to the Spirit promptings within you.
    Pray for each other as the individual coloured cards are placed around the Christ candle. Imagine everyone being touched by the light and love of the Great Lover God.
Closing Prayer                  
blkwhitemedaille O God, who through your servant, Jean-Pierre Medaille, have deigned to call a great number of souls to the imitation of the Word Incarnate. In his great love for God and humanity, we beg of You, glorify Your name and glorify your servant, by granting us through his intercession the favors which we ask. We pray also that by his intercession the whole family of “the little design” may be continually renewed in his spirit and hasten with joy along the way which he has traced out for them towards this greatest love.   Amen.
Refreshments – enjoy tea with breads and jams. Cherish your spiritual friends.