Resources available on this page:
Published Books
In paperback and kindle formats
A Spirituality Study inspired by Jesuit Priest,
Jean-Pierre Medaille, SJ., his writings and experiences.
This books can all be purchased in FRENCH tranalation now.
Discernment: A Way of Life
The Mystery of Divine Indwelling
Dying Well
Understanding False Self and True Self
The Spirituality of the Paschal Mystery
The 8-Fold Path of A Spiritual Life
Cost $5.00 each at The Upper Room..

Contemplation &The Dark Night of the Soul
Cost $5.00 at The Upper Room
Mary: A Contemplative Woman
May We All Be One
Cost: $10.00 Cdn
Lady In The Graveyard
A collection of 29 poems - A prize winner!
Written by Debra Amirault Camelin
Cost: $10.00 Cdn - purchase at
Light in the Mist (2019)
A collection of 53 poems - many prize winners!
Written by Debra Amirault Camelin
Cost: $13.95 Cdn - purchase at
Medaille Spirituality
Hold Fast Your Desire
A poetic narrative by Rosemary O’Toole, CSJ
A story of the spiritual journey inspired by Maxim of Love 10:6
At The Upper Room only.
Cost: $5.00 Cdn
The Maxims of Perfection: Wisdom Sayings of Jean-Pierre Medaille, SJ
Prepared by Rosemary O’Toole CSJ (2020)
Little Design Communities: A Way of Life for All Persons
Words of Wisdom
Set of 50 floral Maxim cards in desk holder.
Created by Monica Hartnett CSJ, Evelyn McGovern CSJ, Rosemary O'Toole CSJ
or BUY BOOK FOUR in Words for Life series on amazon. Updated in 2019.
Follow this link to view all available Little Design Resources
There are no printed materials available at this time. See our small published books on various spirituality themes.
Audio and Music CDs
Audio CD
The Spirituality of the Paschal Mystery
75 minutes of reflection by Rosemary O'Toole,CSJ
with music interludes by Anne Hurley.
Now in English and Spanish
Produced by Judy Faulkner and Tom Dewar
Cost: $5.00 Cdn
Infinitely more… SOLD OUT!
Reflections on the Dark Night and Contemplation
Teaching by Rosemary O'Toole,CSJ,
A new release for Advent, 2004
with music interludes by Anne Hurley
Produced by Judy Faulkner and Tom Dewar
Cost: $5.00 Cdn
Music CD
Riding the Wind
Piano solos by Anne Hurley
Cost: $20.00 Cdn
In Bethlehem
Christmas songs by Anne Hurley and friends
Cost: $20.00 Cdn
A Child Emmanuel
Christmas piano solos, arranged and played by Anne Hurley.
Songs for the Soul
Songs of healing and hope by Karen Lahaise and friends
Shelter of My Heart
Songs by Karen Lahaise and friends
Cost $20.00 Cdn
* All prices are in Canadian dollars. Additional costs for shipping to Canada, USA and overseas depending on size and weight of parcel.
To order: E-mail your requests to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
e-transfer funds to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
OR: Mail your cheque or money order (in equivalent funds)
Cheque should be made payable to: Sister Rosemary O'Toole, CSJ
Mail to: The Upper Room Home of Prayer,
68 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2G 6J5