May it please the divine Goodness that we who belong to an Institute emptied of self, may have obedience entirely like his. May we never have a thought or feeling or word contrary in the slightest way to obedience. Let us in imitation of this dear Saviour obey like a child, not rationalizing or being concerned about anything except to allow divine Providence to lead us like a tender mother who knows our needs full well, and who, after all, is bound to care for the children nestled at her breast. Such must be the members of the little Design. O cherished and most humble obedience, the certain mark of true virtue! May you always be truly perfect in all the members of our new Body - if I may call it thus, for, in actual fact, it seems to me, that it is only the shadow and not the reality of a body.


Father Medaille longs for the members of this ‘new body’ to grasp this new vision of obedience solely as “listening to God”. Once again, Medaille understands so well our humanity and its fears and tensions in releasing our whole lives over to this Divine plan. So, he is inspired to place us with a God who is “a nurturing tender mother who knows our needs.” Beautiful imagery for us as children of God to see ourselves as “nestled at the breast.” More easily, we can now relax inwardly and fall into a confident trust and obedient response. This image of God as tender Mother holds an energy that opens the heart to obey!


Yahweh, my heart has no lofty ambitions; my eyes do not look too high,
I am not concerned with great affairs or marvels beyond my scope.
Enough for me to keep my soul tranquil and quiet
like a child in its mother’s arms, as content as a child that has been weaned.
Rely on Yahweh, now and for always!   Ps.31

When our obedience becomes so one with God’s desires, we start to act more disposed to the fluidity of God’s life and God’s work flowing through us. We become almost invisible - “a shadow” – and God becomes tangible and visible in and through us. Such an awesome mystery of union!  So, when people look at us, they will see the great fruit of obedience in love ~ yes, it manifests in our good works.


“Your zeal will always be in proportion to the love of God you have in your heart. If it springs from a great love, then it will be great.” M.P. 11:1

Who of us could not give a full “yes’ to such a good God?


#4 stmarys 2013-02-01 17:16
What is old is new again! I just finished reading an article entitled "Religious Life Evolving" from the LCWR's (Leadership Conference of Women Religious), publication. The very first paragraph states, "there are movements toward living and operating from a deeper contemplative stance..." Given the situations in which we (religious and laity) find ourselves today, the need for contemplation has never been more evident. Having a God who is "a nurturing tender mother who knows our needs" gives us the courage to invite God in, listen, trust the movement from our depths, and say "yes" to the invitations we find there.
This reflection also sent me to scripture and Mary...after the birth of Jesus, Simeon and Anna's responses at the Presentation, and finding Jesus in the temple, it is stated, "and his mother kept all of these things in her heart." Many times we don't understand, but we remain faithful, we keep things in our hearts...to be revealed and understood at some later time - what a call to obedience born from an intense prayer life!
#3 arletteh 2012-12-30 18:35
With ever growing obedience, "we fall into a confident trust".My obedience is to give up more and more my mental busyness. The other day, i was very frustrated and angry. Iknew saying anything would not improve my situation or help those around me. I inwardly prayed to "be still and know that I(God) am God. " i continued with my work for some time. Then i noticed a peace, with gentle light had enveloped me, as it were,. I had not even "fallen" into peace and trust, it was just there, surrounding me. It was very unobtrusive, yes, like a shadow!
#2 virginia 2012-12-30 16:22
I completely forgot the anniversary of Fr. Medialle's death.
Already,we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family and the New Year is upon us. Everything is fast-forward it seems! It is true, all we should be doing ---IS keeping our hearts quiet and trusting and Listening... Otherwise, we are just spinning our wheels and going nowhere in God's direction for real life and miracles.
It is foolish to do otherwise but the world around us has another message drumming in our ears. We just have to tune it all out and nestle....
#1 rosemaryo 2012-12-30 02:28
What a way to begin this New Year ... with a YES to God! Like Merton and many other contemplative souls,I have learned that we must give our surrendered 'yes' to God in faith - while still undergoing our dark nights - and then in some increased intensity "we acquiece as peacefully as possible into the unknown future."There have been at least three big 'YES' moments that have changed the direction of my life and tonight I am deeply grateful for the grace and the wisdom that guided me through ... yes, like a 'tender mother.' Contentment, freedom and joy where the 'consoling milk' of each surrender.

I think Medaille knew the grace of such loving obedience to God and wanted others to participate in this union of wills that brings a peace surpassing understanding!

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